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Annual Health Checks parent survey

Dear All,

The NHS in Devon, together with the Parent Carer Forums in Devon, Torbay and Plymouth are committed to increase the uptake of Annual Health Checks (AHC) for people with a learning disability, particularly in children and young people over the age of 14.

AHCs are available for adults and young people aged 14 or over who are on their GP practice learning disability register.

We want to understand more about how young people and families are offered the opportunity to attend an AHC with their GP and what their experience of this is. The feedback we receive will inform how we can see greater uptake of these important AHCs and improve the overall quality of the experience.

All surveys are anonymous.

As parent/carers of a child/young person we would like to invite you to complete this short survey before the 30th April 2021.

If you have any questions, please do contact us via

Please access the survey here

Dr Rachel Gaywood

Strategic Clinical Adviser Learning Disability / Autism


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