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Financial Education


It is now over three years ago that Brook Green was awarded for being a Centre of Excellence in Financial Education. We were one of the first special schools in the United Kingdom to get this award. The award and accreditation lasts for three years, but extended to four due to the pandemic, so this year we will be working hard towards reaccreditation in 2022.

This is an award given to schools who are able to show that they have a diverse and in-depth programme of teaching all things financial. We work across curriculum areas such as how to open and use a bank account, taught in PSHE lessons, how to cook on a budget in Food Technology and working with money in Maths. Our students are all involved in this, at every level. We take some students to the local shops to show them the price of groceries, how to use the self-service tills and how to use cash and check their change. Others can visit a local bank and find out all about different bank accounts, how to get a loan and even mortgage advice. All are taught about the money we use, how to estimate the cost of several items, work out the total bill and of course to work out any change required. Some students even spent a morning in a pizza restaurant making pizzas and learning about the catering business.

As we begin to work towards reaccreditation, some lessons after Christmas will involve some sort of financial education. You can help us and your child by looking at things at home. For instance, when you go shopping together look at the prices of different groceries or clothes items. Many students are unaware that a bottle of milk is cheaper than a bottle of Coke or that bananas are cheaper than crisps, or that a pair of trainers can cost more than a weekly shop. Many games also involve money such as Monopoly and Pay Day.

Many thanks for your help and support.

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