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Plymouth University Trip - Creative Writing Workshop and Victorian Letterpress


Students from years 9, 10 and 11 had brilliant day at Plymouth University  last week.  We were invited to spend the day at the university as part of the 'Words that Burn' project co-ordinated through Plymouth Schools by Literature Works who are based in the university.

We absorbed the atmosphere of the university before experiencing a lecture theatre and then going to the Printworks Department.  We spent an amazing hour with the department using their Victorian letterpress for our 'burning words' as well as type-setting our own names and printing them.  

After the print room, we had a great lunch followed by an inspiring poetry workshop with Dr David Sergeant.  During this workshop Dr Sergeant encouraged students to work both independently and in groups on a sonnet about 'making the world a better place'.

We all had an amazing day and cannot wait to be invited back.  A massive thank you to Michelle Phillips from Literature Works who enabled this day to happen.  

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