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Attendance Matters

At Brook Green we believe that good school attendance gives young people the opportunity of success and helps develop skills for life. We believe it is vital that all children attend school every day unless there is an unavoidable cause like illness.

Attendance at Brook Green THE FACTS!

Our attendance leaflet is intended to summarise our Attendance Policy and provide you with important information regarding attendance procedures and the actions we are required to take in the event of irregular attendance.

The Figures

  • 96% Our school target for student attendance

  • 90% Equates to your child missing half a day a week – every week

  • 80% Equates to your child missing one day a week OR a whole years education over the course of their secondary schooling!

Did you know, that if your child misses school on a regular basis, it may:

  • Seriously hinder your child’s learning and their ability to do well and achieve their potential.

  • Affect their confidence to attempt new learning and their ability to work and learn alongside others in general and as a result develop reluctance or indeed refuse to attend school

  • Disrupt your child’s routines and make them feel vulnerable on their return to school

  • Cause disruption to teaching routines (if teachers need to revisit previous learning) and as a result affect the learning of other children in your child’s class

  • Affect their ability to make and sustain friendship groups. Children who are regularly absent from school often feel excluded from playtimes, games and activities and feel they have little in common with their peers.

  • Lead to your child becoming disillusioned with school and education as they get older.

  • Lead to you, as the parent / carer, facing legal and financial consequences.  Please remember that you have a legal duty to ensure your child attends school on a regular basis. 

Top tips for attendance:

Show your child that attending school is a priority to you and key to their success

Routine is the key to success. Here is a simple 5 point plan to try with the family:

  • Going to school unprepared can be a major worry for children - help them by checking school bags the night before, packing P.E. bags and keeping an eye on their homework,

  • Tired children aren't punctual and find it hard to learn, so ensure your child has a sensible bed time,

  • Help them get into a regular routine and set an alarm at the same time every morning,

  • Make time for breakfast or send them in for breakfast at Tutor time there will be no stop off at the shops where they can get side tracked on the way to school and they won’t become tired during the mornings lessons,

  • Children can become unsettled if they have to go into school late and without their friends- getting them to school on time to meet friends prevents this.


If you are experiencing difficulty in getting your child to school on a daily basis it is important that you tell us. We will always try to help you and your child in whatever may we can.


School reception: 01752 773875

Allison Newcombe (Student & Wellbeing Lead): 01752 753905/07500958911

Maria Krac (Behaviour Manager): 01752 773875

Attendance documents

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