Design Technology
Through Design and Technology students experience working with a wide range of materials, using a variety of processes, all within the structure of the design process. Students get the opportunity to develop problem solving skills & fine motor skills, explore creative design & development and work as individuals & as part of a team. From the different experiences students are provided with the chance to enhance many life skills and confidences.
At Key Stage 3 students complete term long projects which develop different elements of the design process and core practical skills. Each project also introduces a new materials & elements of the Design & Technology curriculum, in readiness for KS4.
At Key Stage 4 students are work towards a variety of Unit Awards from AQA. The units provide evidence of student’s having completed a range of practical and theory based skills using a variety of materials and learning experiences. The units are selected to provide each student with some experience in a career area that interests them
Home Learning suggestions
Below are a links to a number of online providers who offer a range of STEM and DT related activities for all abilities and interests. I look forward to seeing photos of any completed activities.
Design and technology resources for home learning | STEM
STEM Learning is provided by ‘The National STEM Centre’, based in York. In the UK it is the leading provider of CPD for teachers as well as developing a well known ambassador program. The link above will take you to a wide range of activities designed and deliverable at home. The website also offers extra information about how to support students with Special Educational Needs (How to support pupils with SEND in your daily practice | STEM).
KS2 Design and Technology - BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize covers all areas of Design Technology and suitable levels of complexity can be sourced from their offer of different Key Stages.
20+ Technology Projects for Kids They'll Love - Left Brain Craft Brain
This American website offers a great range of links to fun activities that explore many areas of STEM. Activities such as:
How to Make a Lighting Bug Circuit Paper Card || Left Brain Craft Brain – This little bug is so much fun! It’s sure to bring a little light to your next circuit activity!
How to Make a Coin Battery || Teach Beside Me – Who knew? Learn how to stack coins to make a battery. You want to be sure to try this with adult supervision.
Light Up Circuit Valentines || Left Brain Craft Brain – Show your love for your friends and family with a sweet light up Valentine!
Make a Light Up Paper Circuit Thaumatrope || One Time Through – We are fascinated with thaumatropes! This time your STEAM kids can make a light up thaumatrope with just a couple simple materials.
Fruit Stand Circuits || Left Brain Craft Brain – Who knew? Your favorite fruit has an electrical charge! This is a really awesome science fair project too.
Home schooling resources (
The Dyson Foundation have a variety of Engineering based learning offers including downloadable tasks that can be completed at home.