School Development Plan 2024 - 2025
We believe our students will thrive and achieve when they are the centre of their learning in a happy, caring and supportive environment, where the value of all individuals in our school community is celebrated’
The purpose of our work is to improve the life chances of each and every student attending Brook Green and this is the aim of our strategic plan. Through our ongoing self-evaluation and review processes we have identified our key priorities and areas for development.
Our strategic plan is developed through discussion by, and consultation with staff, governors, parents and students. The plan incorporates the school’s response to the recommendations made in our last Ofsted inspection in March 2018. All curriculum leaders identify in their own one year action plans how they will contribute to a number of our key priorities.
Our plan does not necessarily cover every aspect of our planning or management but focuses on areas considered to be of a high priority or requiring innovation. In addition, the opportunities to support our students, staff, parents and carers offered after the completion of our plan will be seized upon as appropriate.
As a leadership team we have a real sense of responsibility to ensure that we keep abreast of new practice, innovation and research to help us understand our students even better and inform our practice. It is therefore very much a working document that will be subject to regular updates. Its aim is to target the use of school resources, physical and human, in order to maximise levels of student attainment and development through high quality teaching and leadership in a clear and focused way.
The Governors have a key role in monitoring the strategic plan, which they do through their board meetings. They form an integral part of our strategic plan and play a lead role in monitoring the actions and impact. Each governor is linked to a specific area/s and regularly visits these and reviews the work of the team. Governors act as critical friends to challenge and support the school in its work.
BELIEVE: Feel sure you are capable of achieving something
To ensure that the school is well placed to continue to provide the outstanding resources and experiences that enable us to meet the increasingly complex needs of all of our students
Maintain outstanding progress and attainment as a result of effective leadership and management
To plan the school’s strategic response to the shifting economic landscape and increasing demand for places and wider support, in particular with regard to Post 16 provision
Governance is reflective, engaged, challenging and knowledgeable about the school: Governance is outstanding
Continue to build capacity to sustain and develop the effectiveness of outstanding leadership by developing talented staff
Effective succession planning across teaching and non teaching staff
Have a developed policy and practice of systems leadership enabling school support activities to be effective and to develop our outreach programme to other schools
To further develop the role of curriculum leads in line with whole school priorities
THRIVE: To grow, develop and be successful
To maintain the consistent high quality of Teaching and Learning across the school
To further implement our innovative and relevant curriculum to empower students to have the best possible life chances
To have embedded Literacy, Oracy and Numeracy across the curriculum (RWCM)
To embed students’ phonics skills to improve their spelling
To further develop timely and personalised interventions for students to make at least expected progress. To include effective implementation, tracking and evaluation of all behaviour support programmes and intervention programmes
To explore the range of provision alternative and mainstream both available at KS4 and Post 16
Focus the pastoral team on prioritising achieving an average school attendance of above 96% and persistent absentee (PA) students’ attendance data to below 10% of school population
Families, school and multi - agency teams work together to enable all students to achieve personalised learning outcomes
To develop students social understanding including management of own feelings
To enhance the current Emotional Health and Well Being offer for the school community
To continue to provide a high standard of parental engagement
To review the reporting system to parents
ACHIEVE: to succeed in finishing something or getting a great result
To continue to develop the careers advice and work place learning experiences for students
To continue to develop and enhance Teaching and Learning by embedding ‘outstanding’ practice to ensure student achievement continues the upward trend
Review current systems of assessment in line with curriculum innovation
Develop Marking for Learning to improve student progress
To further develop moderation of attainment in core subjects
Explore new ways of capturing student achievement to evidence progress
Embed the ‘catch up’ sessions and review their impact along with the intervention team