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International Links


At Brook Green Centre for Learning, we pride ourselves for giving a wide international curriculum which opens our students’ minds and provide them with opportunities for the future. Staff and students believe in recognising similarities and differences at an international level and building projects that will benefit not only them but a wider community. This supports the students’ lifelong learning and it opens horizons that they would have never considered if they were not involved in collaborative international activities. 

International activities are set across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 in nearly all areas of the curriculum. To name a few, the study of African Masks in Year 9 as part of the BTEC qualification in Art, Food around the world in Year 10 and 11 as part of the BTEC qualification in Food Technology, European Day of Language. Our Year 10 students have also previously been involved in an E-Twinning, via The British Council. This enabled them during Citizenship lessons to interact via emails and video conferencing with Year 9 (4ème) students from Lyçée Condorcet in Nîmes, France in previous years.


Brook Green Centre for Learning students were very privileged to take part in a Comenius project entitled Sea & City developing unique and diversity in European Maritime Identity in 2014-2015. The students in Year 9 and 10 participated actively in different projects and, visited Ireland and Poland. It gave students great insight about the world around them and developed their knowledge on an international level. Brook Green Centre for Learning would like to start a new Comenius project based around entrepreneurship in the next year.


The MFL Department has now created a new international link with a school in France, Saint Vincent in Brest. Collaborative work has been exchanged between the two schools such as sending emails to pen pals and creating presentations about an imaginary family in Year 7 and 8. Year 9 is currently exploring their city and will make a short video about their school and Plymouth in French which will be reciprocated in English by the students at Saint Vincent.


All departments are very committed to enriching their curriculum on an international level and are actively promoting differences and similarities between different cultures. For instance, the Art Department have been researching and creating Chinese Opera masks. The Music Department have a very strong link with Ghana and have created African drum music around different themes. The Sport Department in September 2015 took a group of students to France for PGL and still have excellent links with schools and students that participated in the event.


Students at Brook Green Centre for Learning are committed to make a change in themselves and others that are not as fortunate to go to school everyday. Thus, the school raises regular funds to support two students, Navraj in Nepal and Eunice in Ghana to be able to attend school regularly.


The school also regularly hosts foreign teaching students from different countries to look at our way of working with our students.


Brook Green Centre for Learning is aiming at maintaining their International School Award as international projects and activities are an integral part of the curriculum.

Lithuanian Teachers Visit May 2016


Click on logo below to read an article on a visit from teachers from Lithuania.

Lithuanian Teachers Visit.JPG
Thank You to BG.JPG
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