As part of our STEAM day year 8 students were treated to a day at Paignton zoo. We were lucky with the weather as it was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for walking around the animal enclosures. We were visiting not just to have a great day but also to look at the way animals live in the zoo, looking particularly at the question: are zoos ethical?
At the start of the visit we were met by a zookeeper who took us to the crocodile swamp and he gave us a talk about the man-eating crocodiles, the vicious turtles and other dangerous creatures. He showed us and let us touch turtle shell and the skull of a crocodile. We then wandered around the zoo at a leisurely pace, looking out for endangered species and the animals living conditions.
Student comments:
It is good that the zoo looks after the animals as some have nowhere else to live.
The animals looked happy.
Lots of the cages are big and the animals can run around.
We all agreed that Paignton zoo is a very good zoo which looks after its animals well. It is a big shame that so many animals are endangered because of problems man has caused but the zoo is making sure that many species survive.