Brook Green Board of Governors would like to invite parents/carers who are interested in taking on the role of Parent Governor to put their names forward, or to nominate another parent/carer. If you nominate a fellow parent/carer please ensure the parent/carer completes the nomination paper.
What will you gain as a school governor?
The opportunity to make a real difference and the chance to contribute to the good of the community, leading to real satisfaction and a sense of achievement. You will gain an understanding of the decision making process of school governing bodies and an awareness of the education system as a whole;
Working as a school governor will give the opportunity to work with a wide variety of people and pupils from a variety of social, cultural and religious backgrounds;
You will develop new skills and strengthen existing ones. You will be offered training provided by the Local Authority on various aspects of the governor role.
The timescale for electing the new governor(s) is as follows:-
Nominations to the Headteacher by 23rd February 2024.
If more nominations are received than there are vacancies:
The election will be held on 29th February 2024 at noon.
If the number of nominations received are equal to or less than the number of vacancies there will be no need to hold a ballot. If a ballot is necessary one voting paper per parent will be sent to you via your child.
Nomination papers will be sent home with students, or maybe obtained from the school.
For further information please contact Denise Rogers Business Manager via the school.