Today we visited the chickens and the ducks, and collected 9 chicken eggs and 2 duck eggs! We also made a very important visit to the stars of the farm: Captain Bourbon, Jaffa, and Hognob; although I must say, the students have some interesting names of their own for them! The students survived a heavy downpour and we took refuge in the polytunnel at the farm.
During the storm we saw lightning and heard thunder. When the rain stopped pouring, we were shown to a lovely room inside the Poole farm house to dry off and keep warm, we were kindly served some hot chocolate by the lovely Teryn. The students drew their portraits of animal skulls that we were shown by Tom, and then proceeded to do the important job of sticking labels on the delicious Poole farm honey jars. The students then received word that a customer was coming in to buy some eggs so they took care of checking the product was fit for sale, added up the amount that was due (35 pence an egg x6) and then put the amount on the contactless payment machine. Using their maths skill and customer service skills and working as a team. After this the students planted some bulbs on the lovely new path at the farm, ready to bring some colour and beauty to the farm in the spring. After this the students took part in some wood axe chopping with the help of the adults and they did a thoroughly amazing job! Well done team, you smashed it!