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  • drogers70

RE Day at Brook Green

This term's RE Day is all based around British Values and Humanism. This is the first of a few blogs for this most enjoyable and thought- provoking day! Firstly, Tim Purches (a Humanist) came to our school and spoke to both years 7 and 8, followed by year 9, 10 and 11 all about Humanism and what it means. Students and staff were engrossed in the talk which included what being a humanist means, British values as well as celebrations. Tim also spoke about community work as well as decision making.

Students asked interesting questions including 'could you be a humanist without knowing' as well as some intriguing questions from year 7 about the possibility of alien life forms in the universe.

Students were reminded about belief and British values as Tim talked about some of his Christian friends whom he respects and values as friends but who have different opinions to him.

Thank you so much Tim for giving up your time and coming to Brook Green to share your values and beliefs with us.

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